Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year

Well, its that time of year again. Sigh. This week everyone was either counting calories or counting pennies. I need to hear some creative resolutions. The following responses are not acceptable: I keep them secret; I never make any; I resolve to stop making new year's resolutions.

STOP already!

Tell me to start a blog, tell me I'm learning French, tell me to vow to have "an experience" at least one a month, say I'm going to drink more water, I bought a 60 class yoga card that I need to use in 90 days, promise to read 12 classic novels in 2010, tell me go to church - just once, like Christmas or Easter or may be even Palm Sunday where there's door prizes, tell me your going to resolve to have more sex! Just, please tell me something so I can be inspired and motivated because you are doing something great too!

It's not too late. Make a resolution, tell some people. The world and its people are not as grey as a WWII movie. Share your resolutions with me. I'd love to hear them.

If you need inspiration you can borrow the ones above or here are some more: learn to make cake, dance the Lindy hop with your baby, resolve to tell your best friend how proud of her your are.

Here are a list of Ro's Redbook Picks for this week:
Becky Shaw at the Wilma
5 Guys Burgers & Fries
Mary Kay Timewise Age Fighting Moisturizer
$6,250 in 401(k) $6,250 in Roth(k)
Should we give our dog Heart Worm meds all year round?
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

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